Friday, March 22, 2013

Cafe Utopia 139 Waverly Place

I'll start with Cafe Utopia, as I am stealing their wifi.

The cafe is a small, brightly lit place with about 10 tables and window seating. The large family style tables dominate the center surrounded by smaller 2 tops. There is a Steven Chow poster ont he wall, and I loved Kung Fu hustle.
In the basement they have an open mic on thursdays, and some kind of theater. I've yet to venture down there, as most people coming out have been older couples, sort of the opposite of Li  Po's old punk venue downstairs.
It's located right under the Tong, so is a popular hangout for people either waiting to get in or waiting for someone to come out.

The food
      The steamed spareribs with black bean sauce are tender, and their tea is jasmine.
The speciality of the house seems to be clay pot, or clay pot over rice; in which the contents of a clay pot are cooked slowly, then reheated to order. The chicken wings have little hairs on them, and I've been told by a reliable source that they taste like crack. That's not to say they are so good it's like crack, but that the taste is similar to crack cocaine.
      The beef chow fun is prepared reasonably. We should talk about beef chow fun, Beef chow fun is what I call a barometer; I'll post about it later.
     Salt and pepper spare ribs are impossible to fuck up; and they don't, but their hot sauce is too oily.

The price is medium, about $7 per item.

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