Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Buddah Bar get's good Zagat review

Neighborhood favorite The Buddah Bar, has been given a good write up in Zagat's 2013 issue.
    First, it's important to clear up the name of this place. The giant neon sign reads "Buddah Bar", the bartender refers to it as "The Buddah Bar"; so why then, does yelp and Zagat insist on referring to it as "The Buddah Lounge"? Perhaps it's listed this way on some sort of city document, but "Language cannot be controlled, only recorded." let's get this right.
     The review, which names the Buddah as "one of the best dive bars in San Francisco", was greeted with apathy by longtime bartender Mark, who threw out the $15 guidebook  because "there is no point in keeping it".